Sunday, December 1, 2013

Essiac Tea - original Ojibwa Medicine 1st Nation called "gift of deer" It cures Cancer, Lupus and much more

How to brew your tea using our essiac
Here is our essiac recipe for brewing your own tea!
From extensive research and advice from long-term users, we highly recommend
that you brew your essiac tea yourself, rather than purchase the tea prebrewed.
This will first of all save you a lot of money. Secondly, you will most likely be
getting a more effective and healthier product.
Despite what some other commercial sellers may tell you, you really prefer to stay away
from pre-brewed and bottled essiac tea, for several reasons: the cost per dose is usually
outrageous (the shipping charge for all those heavy bottles adds to that cost),you don't
know the essiac recipe that was used to brew the tea, and the pre-bottled tea is either
loaded with preservatives or, if it doesn’t have preservatives, you don’t know if it is spoiled
or if the tea has lost its effectiveness with age.
Brewing your own fresh tea from our essiac recipe is quick and easy: we’ll tell you
how right now. You’ll be confident that the tea was brewed in a safe and sanitary fashion
since you will have done it at home, in the comfort of your own kitchen.
(We also include our tea brewing instructions with your order, so don't worry that you'll
have to remember this essiac recipe, or find the web page again!)
It's not difficult or time-consuming to brew essiac tea when you use our powdered herb mix,
the method that Rene Caisse is last reported to have used as she perfected her essiac
recipe on cancer patients and others.
Some essiac tea drinkers believe that they should try to buy (or even grow) the herbs on
their own and then mix them themselves. We don't think this is the best idea, because even
if you had obtained the correct ratio of our original eight herb formula (that essiac recipe
has not been made public), and had access to the proper tools and equipment to cut and
mix them thoroughly, you would probably end up spending a great deal more money (and
not be assured that your mix was the correct blend) than if you bought the time-tested,
pre-blended mix from a company like ours.
This is because our tea manufacturer buys such large quantities of the essiac herbs from
trusted organic suppliers, that he is able to get them at a large volume discount. We can
pass that discount on to you, and you don’t have to spend all of your hard-earned money
buying questionable or stale pre-brewed tea.
Just follow the simple essiac recipe brewing directions below. If you have any questions,
please feel free to call John at (877) 8-ESSIAC, or e-mail us!
Brewing Instructions for a two-week supply of essiac tea using aggressive
treatment dose OR maintenance dose.
(Please note: Steps 1 and 2 will vary depending on if you are using the aggressive or the
maintenance dose. Steps 3 thru 5 are the same no matter what.
Typical Aggressive Treatment Dose: Two-Week Supply(Using the most usual dose of 3
oz. taken three times per day)
1. Bring 132 oz. (1 gallon plus 1/2 cup, to account for evaporation) of spring water or
distilled water to a boil in a stainless steel or glass (Pyrex) pot (you will need one with a lid)
and reduce to a simmer.
2. Add 4 oz. of the essiac herbs powder. Please actually weigh your herbs on a kitchen scale
to ensure you have the correct amount (If you don't already have one, please purchase a
small inexpensive home kitchen scale to help you brew your tea). If you have purchased the
pre-measured 4 oz. bags from us, these have already been weighed and do not need to be
re-checked or measured. Simply add one bag.
Typical Maintenance Treatment Dose: Two-Week Supply(Normally the maintenance
dose is 3 oz. taken once per day)
1. Boil 44 oz. (5 and 1/2 cups) of spring water or distilled water in a large stainless steel or
glass (Pyrex) pot (one that you have a lid for).
2. Add 1.33 oz. of the essiac herbs blend. Please weigh your herbs on a kitchen scale to be
sure you have the correct amount. A rough approximation if you have to use dry
measurement cups is a rounded 1/4-cup. If you have purchased the 4 oz. bag from us, this
will be 1/3 of the bag.
Steps 3 through 5 are the same for any size batch:
3. Turn the heat down to medium-low and let the tea simmer for about ten minutes, stirring
occasionally. Keep a cover or lid loosely on the pot during this time, with just a bit of air
exposed to reduce evaporation.
4. Turn the heat off, cover the pan completely, and leave the mixture sitting at room
temperature for twelve hours or overnight.
5. The following morning, stir the tea vigorously to disperse the sediment of the herbs
throughout the tea*, heat again ALMOST to a boil (but do not boil), funnel the tea into clean
glass bottles, let cool, then quickly cap the bottles. Refrigerate immediately.
*We STRONGLY URGE that you leave the herb residue in the tea -- DO NOT strain
the herbs. Because these are powdered herbs, you don't have to strain anything--the
herbs are fine enough to be taken as you drink the tea. The herbs increase the strength and
effectiveness of the essiac recipe treatment. If you really find the “goop” at the bottom of
the liquid unpalatable, you can strain the tea, but it may be less effective in the long run.
Do not try to brew essiac tea more than two weeks ahead: it will stay fresh for about 14
days, but after that you should make a new batch of tea. Shake the container well before
pouring your dosages to disperse the herb particles throughout the tea. Do not use the tea
if there is any sign of mold.
The brewed tea has been described as having a palatable, “earthy” taste, though sometimes
it is somewhat bitter due to differences in some of the herbs’ growing seasons. If you find it
difficult to drink essiac straight, you may mix your essiac tea with fruit or vegetable juice.
Most people consume essiac tea cold. You may also add a bit of stevia, an herb that many
people use for a sweetener.
With essiac, it’s always best if your doses are taken on an empty stomach. Try to avoid
eating two hours before and one hour after drinking essiac. However, if you have to eat and
then drink essiac tea at the same time, that is much better than skipping the essiac dose


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